J.R. Burrows & Company:
Tulip & Lily Carpet
William Morris Carpets

Tulip and Lily rug pattern

Tulip and Lily Runner

Design date c. 1875-1925

Design Number 7500/11

Pattern Repeat 10 1/2" Self match

Tulip & Lily carpet with the 13 inch border, fabricated as an area rug, in Janey Morris's bedroom at Kelmscott Manor.

picture of Tulip and lily in Morris house

Burrows & Co. will be happy to supply an estimate for your particular project if you can supply the measurement for the room or area rug. The more precise measurements you can provide will assist in the accuracy of the cost estimate. Plans can be forwarded to qualified installers around the country who will quote installation or fabrication costs. Be sure to let me known what city or state your reside in, so we can make inquiries to the closest installer and include the relevent inland freight costs in the estimate.

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