Floral Medallion Designed c. 1822 Body: 2263/10 27" wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 27 1/2" drop match Border: none |
Turkey Runner Designed c. 1825 Runner: 2548/11 27" wide (3/4 width) |
Empire Medallion Body & Border Designed c. 1827 Body: 2738/10 27" wide (3/4 width) document ground Body: 2738/20 27" wide (3/4 width) red and aubergine ground Body: 2738/30 27" wide (3/4 width) green and aubergine ground Repeat: 48" drop match Border: 2738/17 18" border, woven 1/over |
Acorn & Scroll Runner Designed c. 1827 Body: 2791/10 (matching body can be made by special order) Runner: 2791/11 27" wide (3/4 width) |
Bromsgrove Designed c. 1827 and produced through 1848 Body: 2784/20 27" wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 14" Runner: 2784/21 27" wide (3/4 width) Colour: deep red ground 11/; document color dull cochineal pink ground |
Floral Geometric Designed c. 1828 Body: 2813/10 27" wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 23" self match Border: none |
Turkey Medallion & Gothic Diaper Designed c. 1829 Body: 2964/10 27" wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 23 1/2" self match Border: none Runner: Neo-Classical Scroll Border & Gothic Diaper, designed to match. |
Turkey Medallion Designed c. 1830 Body: 3025/10 27" wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 48" drop match Border: none |
Turkey Stripe Designed c. 1830 Body: 3085/10 wide (3/4 width) Repeat: 23 3/4" self match Border: none |
Empire Laurel Block Designed in 1834 Body: 3457/10 27" wide (3/4 width) dark green Repeat: 27" self match Border: 3457/14 6 1/2" wide, woven 2/over |
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